Well after 8 and a half months of waiting, baby Huntly is finally here!
On December 29th at 7 am, Jeff and I headed to the Hospital here in Lethbridge to prepare for our C section that would happen later that morning. We were taken into a room in the Labor and Delivery part of the hospital where I got into my very attractive hospital gown and compression socks (which the nurse informed me I put on backwards..so I had to flip them around lol). We waited a little while and then a nurse finally told us she was going to take us to my private room where I would be staying after my C section.
Around 10:30 am I was wheeled in my bed down to Pre Op where I waited for about a half hour while someone went through all my information with me for the millionth time. The anesthesiologist came and explained to me what was going to happen and soon after I was wheeled into the O.R. The whole process went quickly . There was a sheet up between me and where the surgery was happening so I couldnt see our baby when he was pulled out but the moment I heard his first cry .. well I cried. Before we knew it Jeff and I were looking at our wonderful little baby boy. He is so Beautiful and we are so happy and grateful to have him in our lives.
We named him Huntly John Redford. He weighed 7 lb 12 oz. He was 20 inches long and he was born at 11:46 am.
Since that morning we have Enjoyed having him in our lives. He is an amazing baby. He is very calm and he is a great sleeper. He is our little man.. so cute!
London is such a good big sister. She is a good helper and has so much love for her little brother. She loves hugging and kissing him and stroking his hair. It is so sweet watching her hold him in her arms. She pointed at his eyes today and said "Baby has tiny eyes". and she tried to squeeze his nose and say "beep beep".