Thursday, February 23, 2012


I think I have known for the last year but yesterday I got a real answer to the question I have been asking myself for a long time. I have Celiac Desease. Looking back now I realize that I have had the symptoms for years. I remember in high school having the same symptoms that I have been experiencing for the past few years. I would get extreme stomach pains and feel so sick that I didn't think I could sit through my classes and I remember many times I just left the classroom to try to get a hold of the pain, but nothing ever worked. the past few years of my life I have tried so many antacids and nothing could ever get rid of the pain. Along with the stomach pains I had a lot of other terrible symptoms. It wasn't always consistent but when it hit, it hit hard. Right after I had Huntly I was the sickest I had ever been. I was sick for more than a month straight so it was hard to take care of Huntly and myself some days.

A few weeks ago I went to see my Doctor and he said that he thought I had either Inflammatory bowel disease or Celiac Disease and that he wanted to run some tests on me and London because she had been experiencing some of the same symptoms that I had. So we each had Blood tests done and a few other tests. Two weeks later I got a call back from the clinic and set up an appointment for the next day -February 22, 2012. I knew at that moment it was Celiac for sure but it made me so nervous. In the next 24 hrs I kept thinking of how my life was going to change. I kept thinking of all the things I wasn't going to be able to eat. I kept thinking of my family and how this was going to effect them. What was I going to cook for meals now. I would have to re-think everything I knew about food.

My appointment to get my results was at 3:45. I was relieved when it was time to go in so I could finally get some answers. Doctor Taylor came into the room, sat down, and said " well my dear, you have Celiac." I was right. And in that moment my life changed.

I called Jeff to tell him. He has been so supportive about all of this and I know he will do anything to help. Another person I called pretty quickly was my sister Kate. She has Celiac also and so she is one person I know I can definitely go to for help. Kate's reaction was so funny. She said "It sucks for you but I'm actually kind of happy you have it. That means I'm not the only one anymore." She's right. when we go to family functions and other stuff together she isnt the only one who has to eat different. Everyone would have to make special food just for her but now there are two of us. I do have other family members who also have Celiac so my support system is huge and I feel blessed for that. It will make my life a lot easier to know that I have two aunts and and uncle to go to for advise if I need it!

I had a great talk with my Aunt last night who lives in Arizona. I feel so much support from her and felt like she understood everything I am going through. Its nice to have people to talk to who get it.

So wish me luck! I guess my new life starts now. No more grains for me but now I can feel like myself again and get back to being the happy healthy person that I want to be!

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